Nicholas hit 2,337 juggles!
Nicholas has chosen to donate the money to NEF-She. It is a fantastic program that aims to empower female athletes by providing them with resources to find success on and off the field!

If you would like to host a juggling event, it’s easy. Practice your juggling and follow the steps below.

Three simple steps:
1. Set-up a Google Form to take pledge commitments and email to anyone you know. Suggested pledge denominations are $0.01, $0.05, $0.10 and an “other” category, so donors can leave any amount they would like.
2. Once you have received all of the pledges, record the juggling attempt and tally the number of times you juggled the ball.
3. Contact everyone who pledged with an email and a recording of the juggling video, along with a way for them to donate based on their pledge amount. A suggested donation platform is Givebutter.

Please contact for more details and/or help setting up your own juggling fundraiser.